Thursday 31 May 2018

More macro

Monday 28th May.

My usual walkabout revealed a few insects, still a bit hard to spot the birds with all the foliage around.
My usual walkabout involves walking up the carrot field from Captain's, down through the corn field, depending on how I feel I sometimes walk out to the railway field and then back along Stanklyn Lane, I always like to have a look in the dead man's allotment but has been a bit quiet in there of late.
Usually then back up the carrot field, down to Captains and then walk down to the three pools and a nose around the stream, have seen a couple of dragonflies by the pools but never ever seem to see many, hopefully they will show more as the pools mature.
Pics here from today.

Daggerfly (Thanks Adam)

Xanthogramma pedissequum hoverfly (Thanks Jason)

Cinnabar Moth

I note there have been some very big carp cruising on the surface of Captain's Pool this past week or so, the grebes though are staying a good way out, think they may venture a bit nearer as the chicks grow bigger.
Am still putting out the treatment for the fox but haven't seen him/her for a week.
There was a small fox cub killed by a car along Stanklyn Lane a week or so ago.

Thursday 31st May

Had a few things on today, so didn't venture far, before lunch I had an hour down by the three pools and found some moths which I haven't seen before, didn't see the brown argus today but I did see a small copper which I didn't get a photo of, so watch this space on that one.
I did put out some more painted rocks, as you do.
After lunch I had an hour along Lady Grey's Cloisters, but a tad quiet along there today.
Spotted a grass snake again on Captain's.

Common Blue Butterfly

Mother Shipton moth (Thanks Jason Kernohan)

Think this is a Burnet Companion moth but always stand to be corrected.

Possibly a Small White Wave

Not sure on this one

Silver Y Moth

Scarlet Lily Beetles


Still to find out what this fungus is

Is it an egg.

Great Crested Grebe hunting

Heron and Terrapin, just a test to see how far the bridge camera would reach, am guessing distance is about 200 yards.

Straw Dot moth (Thanks Jason)

A micro Moth

Most probably a buzzard, but was circling quite low over Captain's,and could be something different,  a bridge camera is no good really for this sort of shot, only managed one image.

Just been out to treat the fox, saw muntjac on way out, weather looking dodgy now up in the sky, so retreated pretty quickly.

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