Friday 6 July 2018

The Fox

Wednesday July 4th

Popped out with my mate to see how his fox was getting on with the treatment, just a little around the tail now, should be back to normal soon, also some fur missing from top of the head, but think he's been involved in a fight, nothing serious though.

Particularly like this shot in the evening sun.

Took this one at Hurcott on the school run, don't like the look of that green.

Sunset over Spennells fields, the sky looked amazing.

6 spot burnet moth

Thursday July 5th.
Had a wander round Stone Pool to see if there were any snakes about, no luck on that though.
Broad bodied chaser, Stone Pool

Comma Butterfly, Stone Pool

Over the carrot field, possibly an evening primrose

Bumble Bee after the polle

Cinnabar Moth

Common Darter

Holy Blue

6 spot burnet moth

I had a walk up Heath Lane to check out the hedgerow but not much apart from bees, I met a guy part way along, ha came over and asked me if my camera was a digital one, hmm I thought, then he asked if I still need to put film in it, No, I said, that's why it's called digital, he then asked me how the pictures come about, blimey I thought this guy is getting to be hard work, so I politely said I need to move on.
I did note he was wearing sandals, enough said.

Friday July 6th

The weather is still mighty hot, problem with that is that a lot of wild flowers are now dying off, which isn't much good for the wildlife, hoping for a couple of days rain soon, but not looking likely.
Breakfast and off over the fields, firstly down by Pirates Wood, saw one marbled white and lots of other butterflies, but mostly common, then along the Cloisters, similar sight most flowers looking in a poor state, so off up the carrot field, saw a few damselflies, watched a brown hawker dragonfly for ages, but he wouldn't settle for me, along the hedgerow it was much quieter than usual.
Up the top near the muck heaps I did see a couple of yellowhammers.
Down to my favourite patch and again very quiet, popped along to the dead man's allotment which was quite busy with butterflies, saw 3 marbled white flying low but not settling.

Couple of Conopid flies enjoying the morning sunshine.

Banded demoiselle

Azure damselfly

Comma butterfly, the little white mark on the wing is what gives this butterfly it's name.

Black and white wasp/bee.

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