Wednesday 30 January 2019

Herring Gull

Wednesday 30th January

Lovely cold and freezing morning, managed to pop up the pool just before lunch, first 2 photos are of a lone herring gull, the rest are the usuals, didn't have a lot of time so just practised my in flight shots and a few random shots mainly of the ducks having a wash.
Could hear a GS woody drumming away again in Pirates Wood, but couldn't spot it, saw a tree creeper, nuthatch and several Chaffinch in Goldcrests Lane on way back home.

Popped over the fields after lunch for a quick mosey around, lots of Chaffinch and Linnets, few Meadow Pipits down Stanklyn along with some Redwings.
Saw 3 Buzzards, one photo'd below, again just a short visit due to having to pop off and do the school run.

Dead Man's Allotment


  1. A good mix of species there Dave. Nice bumping into you for a natter earlier

    1. Thanks Jason, not as many as you spot, but I'm learning all the time especially after our many little chats.



 The weekend of 14/15th May 2022. Sorry I've been neglecting my blog again, health issues keep getting in the way, so for now am working...