Sunday 21 July 2019

Terrapin and hovers

Sunday 21st July

Been quieter than usual past few days due to watching the golf!

Warm and breezy, we popped out to Charlecote Park in Warwickshire, was pleased to spot my first Eristalis arbustorum.

Pleased to pick up a book from Charlecote's second hand bookshop, moths and butterflies for £2, can't beat that, happy days.

Friday and Saturday, had my usual walkabouts, but for now it is pretty quiet, have seen lots of swallows down the Stanklyn end of the carrot field.
Nothing unusual on the pool, GC Grebes are doing well, most probably too big to fit all of them on their Mother's back now, plus they are now learning to dive.
One thing though which is very annoying is the amount of dog mess of late, it's getting worse.

Thursday 18th July

Never got round Spennells till after lunch, but only a brief walk looking for hoverflies.
All is well with the GC Grebe chicks, they are growing well.

Episyrphus balteatus

Chrysotoxum bicinctum

Chrysotoxum bicinctum

Volucella zonaria (female) UK's largest hoverfly

Had a pleasant walk around Ombersley, first the church for my family history research and then the village which includes lots of Black and white buildings.

Wednesday 17th July

Warm and dry again, walkabout early on but very quiet, on Captain's it was good to see the four GC Grebe chicks still feeding well but no sign of the Little Grebe.

Very quiet on the afternoon, got a few shots of some hoverflies by Pirates Wood and that was about it.

The hardest thing with insects is identifying them, I am slowly learning some of the weird names, but why oh why did they have to get such serious sounding name, lets face it a Marmalade Hoverfly is what it is, why does it have to have such a weird scientific name, lets face it Episyrphus balteatus or Brachypalpoides lentus doesn't exactly roll off the tongue does it, plus some of them have to be killed and disected or at least be studied under a microscope to be indentified, it's all beyond me.


Juvenile Moorhen

Episyrphus balteatus male

Episyrphus balteatus male

Physocephala rufipes male

Essex Skipper


Volucella pellucens

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