Friday 8 January 2021

January 2021

 Well here we are, another new year, lets all hope that this year is much much better than last year, bring on the vaccines I say.

Also hope that there is a lot more wildlife around than there was last year, in particular my favourites  the Hover flies, meanwhile hoping we get a few rare migrant birds while the winter is upon us.

I am out and about most days, so if you see an old man walking around with a camera and looking a little confused then it's probably me, please feel free to stop and have a chat, if there is one thing I am good at it is chatting.

1st January

A bit of snow still lying around, this shot is from top of the field near the Stone sale site.

Same area, flock of linnets is growing by the day

Greenfinch in winter colours

Dunnock getting ready to take off

A few from the first week of January

Panorama of Linnets, probably about 1200 in total now, this is just small section of them, bumped into Jason Kernohan who is a good friend of mine and it is he who inspired me to try my hand at being a naturalist, Jason counts flocks in blocks and then multiplies by section, I'm still no good at this, same goes for my ID work, still a beginner and am always getting in touch with Jason for help, thankfully he is putting up with me for now!

Today is Jan 8th and a right miserable day weather wise, snow, sleet and rain, I did a short walkabout this morning. not many Linnet flocks flying around, but hundreds and hundreds of Linnets and Finches perched in the treetops where ever I looked, also saw several Pheasants in the wild radish field, watched a nuthatch, coal tits and several other small birds in the reserve by Captain's Pool, Captain's Pool is still frozen over.
Horrible day for going out and unless a remarkable improvement happens I will be staying in for the rest of the day.

Hoping now to post a bit more often here, so please check back when you are bored and have nothing better to do.


  1. Nice to see you back. Is Jason okay I miss his Hartlebury Common blogs.

    1. Thankyou, yes he is fine, he has restarted his shenstonebirder blog.

  2. Hi Mike (I assume its you). I'm fine thankyou. Hartlebury Common has been very busy with footfall during the pandemic so not spent as much time there in 2020. I am still on the committee of the Hartlebury Common group and very much involved there though.

    I have taken the decision to restart my old Shenstone Birder blog as I am now regularly taking my exercise walks there and can now share what I see. Once restrictions are lifted I will visit other areas such as the Common and also share posts in the Shenstone Birder blog. I may also post the Hartlebury Common ones in the Hartlebury blog too to keep that site specific.

    Hope you are keeping well


  3. Great news in these strange times. I am not Mike just a regular guy who enjoys the local area and blogs,we are so lucky to live where we do. I live opposite wilden marsh so know Mike and volunteer on the marsh when work permits. Keep up the good work and stay safe.



 The weekend of 14/15th May 2022. Sorry I've been neglecting my blog again, health issues keep getting in the way, so for now am working...